Taking Flight
Can you feel the flutterings of her heart against your fingers? Can you sense the vibrations of life coursing through?
What is quivering inside you? What is vibrating, longing to be released? Feel the sun warming you, welcoming you, encouraging you to fly.
Sit quietly with those inner stirrings. Examine them, feel into them. What are they telling you? What are you being called to do? Stay there. Create a mental image, make it full of vibrant colours, beautiful sounds, and scents. See yourself right there, basking in the sunshine of the glory of what is calling you. No, don’t move, don’t shut it down. Breathe it in. Let your soul celebrate your awakening.
As you go through your day take yourself back to that quiet time. Maybe, just maybe, there is a new dream about to be born into reality. Gently open your fingers and fly with it.
Photograph by Jim Chapman.
#sagewise #FindingTheMagicWithin
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