On Revolution and Positive Change
We are living in a time of revolution. No longer silent, people are rising up in protest. In Canada, we voted out Harper and, unexpectedly, elected Prime Minster Trudeau. In the UK, it was Brexit. And now, the US Election. People are voting for change, no longer willing to remain silent about the government, organizations, and corporations that hold us in their power.
Revolution isn’t new to me. I was part of the 60s, the Peace generation, the baby boomers. We were born to grandparents and parents who fought in both World Wars. We had seen the threat of nuclear war, and Vietnam was unfolding in the US.
We were so young, so determined to make the world a better place. The music we listened to reflected our call to lay down arms, to live in harmony and to make love, not war. We protested. We stood up for what we believed in.
Slowly, bit by bit, we’ve seen the Berlin Wall come down, the end of apartheid, segregation in the US become a thing of the past, and women starting to be recognized as equals and given control over their bodies. It isn’t perfect, but we’ve come a long way since the 60s.
The US Election has threatened all that we’ve gained. The campaign awakened the sleeping monster of hatred, anger, bigotry, racism, discrimination, and the list goes on. Sadly, now that the election is over the issues haven’t gone away. Once awakened, the monster doesn’t want to go back to sleep. Now we are seeing even greater division among everyday people. Emotions have been stirred as America settles into the decision that was made.
This isn’t about politics, this is about separation, about division, and about conflict. Because that is what is rising, regardless of political affiliation. My concern is how this conflict will spread, and the fallout world-wide, not just in the States. We are no longer isolated. We are all affected by what is happening, personally and globally.
Revolution. It can be violent, or it can be peaceful. My goal is to write a series of blogs on how we can work for change, for a better world. Not through violence, or through anger, or through hatred, but through cooperation, compassion, caring, and a deep desire to bring about positive change. We can do this, each of us as individuals, and all of us together. Sticking our heads in the sand, going into fear, or thinking that this isn’t our problem, won’t make this go away. I am also very aware of how many people are rising up and saying that they will not stand on the sidelines as things threaten to fall apart. People are pledging Unity to the cause of bringing people together in Harmony. In acceptance for all. In tolerance. In kindness. We; not them and us.
Every single one of us can help make this world a kinder and better place. Every one of us can bring about positive changes. We get to vote with our wallets, with our words, with our signatures, with acts of kindness, and by staying in Unity through Congruence, not Unity through Conflict.
Stand with me. Shoulder to shoulder. We are stronger than we know and together we can turn the tide.
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